Friday, July 15, 2016

Audiofeed 2016 - Travel Tales

For as long as I have been attending Christian festivals (which is pretty much as long as I’ve been a Christian), Cornerstone was the Holy Grail. Eventually, once, I was going to make it there.
But at the time, the drive was in the 16 hour range, which made it unreasonably far away. But it was still on the long-term “to do someday” list. In 1999, we moved about halfway closer, cutting the drive to about 9 hours. Even though the last hours, past nothing but cornfields and windmills, seemed like half a day.
Audiofeed made the drive much easier, moving from the western edge of Illinois to the eastern. This cut the travel time to less than 6 hours. Not having to get p at the crack of dawn makes for a much less stressful start to a family vacation. And a particular Steak-n-Shake is turning into our go-to lunch place.
About 100 miles out from Audiofeed, we passed a van painted like the Scooby-Doo “Mystery Machine,” with a Jesus-themed bumper sticker. We joked that they were obviously headed to Audiofeed. I actually thought it was possible, maybe a 40% chance that they were actually Audiofeed-ers.
When we drove through the front gate of the fairgrounds the next morning, what was parked in the front camping area? That same van, with that same bumper sticker.

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