Friday, December 20, 2019

Podcast #035 - Blue Christmas 2019

"Blue Christmas"

Alan and Em are not discussing the Elvis song in this episode. Instead, they are talking about the growing trend of "Blue Christmas" services, in which churches make space for people who aren't quite ready to celebrate the season, but are instead dealing with loss, grief, discouragement, and the general stresses of modern life.

Merry Christmas, seasons greetings, happy holidays, and we wish all ot listeners a blessed 2020.

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:

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Link to Opening Song: "Veni Veni Emmanuel" by Heather Dale

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  1. A very good and thoughtful episode for this Advent season! It's always good to remind people that life is a mixed bag of experiences and feelings, especially at a time of year when the (secular) world seems to be shouting at everyone, "Be Merry! Be happy!", as if unmixed happiness were the only possible and appropriate state. I think this is why we have Advent --- to remind us to slow down, and contemplate the complicated nature of life, and to remember that there's more than the "here and now". Good work, Middletons!

  2. Thank you, Dave, for those kind words. We are late to the Advent party, but are definitely starting to recognize its value!

  3. Well, as we Catholics say on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, "Gaudete!" (or as my Lutheran wife used to pronounce it, "Al dente!"
