Sunday, October 20, 2019

Podcast #033 - Feedback

"It's a Feedback Episode!"

Alan and Em take the huge chance of turning over the responsibility for creating podcast content to their lovely listeners. Fortunately, The Dorks ask great questions and make wonderful points.

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:

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We would love to hear from you about this topic, the podcast episode, or Evangelical pop culture in general. Send e-mail feedback to 

You can follow the network on twitter @DorknessToLight or Alan @ProfessorAlan


  1. Greetings, Em and Alan,
    Feedback on feedback, 'cause that's the kind of Dork I am! First, let me reassure you that I hadn't taken anything in your "complementarianism vs. egalitarianism" discussion in Episode 29, as a swipe of any sort at Catholicism. I just wanted to give my own perception of the issue, again, 'cause that's the kind of Dork I am. Similarly, my comment on Episode 31, mentioning that most of the "Christian Pop Culture" things you talked about were outside my experience, was merely prologue to my telling you about "Father Jesus People". Learning about stuff outside my own experience is generally a delight, again, 'cause that's the kind of Dork I am! (You may have noticed that I'm perfectly fine with being called a Dork, although, if you're looking for suggestions in referring to your listeners, may I suggest (similar to the way Roman Mars, host of the 99% Invisible podcast, refers to his listeners as "Beautiful Nerds") "Passionate Dorks", because I imagine that most of your listeners are passionate about this podcast? As you noted, it's a small niche within a small niche, so devotion to Dorkness to Light, is likely a kind of passion.
    Finally, prayers have gone up for your friend Robert Ludwig and his wife. God bless them and their family and all who support them.

  2. . . . or, maybe even better to tie into your title, how about "Enlightened Dorks"?
