The Illustrated Gospel - Searching for Truth, by Tim Chaffey, with art by Colin Dyer.
The premise is of the comic is simple: A group of college students discuss the content of their religious studies class. The students come from different religious backgrounds, and the discussions are adequately realistic.
The book does break away from this narrative on occasion for discussions of inerrancy and prophetic fulfillment, but these serve as brief and informative breaks.
One of the characters faces a serious trauma, which brings them to a point of crisis. This is a standard of Evangelical storytelling, and this book adds nothing new to this trope. But it does a reasonably good job at taking that typical story point and doing something interesting with it.
Like many similar stories in the genre, the primary point of this is not to tell a compelling dramatic story. The point is to present the Gospel message, and it does that well. The story is fine, albeit predictable.
Despite being published by Answers in Genesis (our copy was purchased at the Creation Museum, fyi), the book is surprisingly free of Young Earth or overly fundamentalist concepts. The evangelical "altar call" in the story is blunt and clear, but the book does avoid some of the thornier theological issues. Which is a good thing.
The book can be
purchased here, through Amazon.